Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some Odd Links for Your Morning Giggles

Lets start off with the weather in Ft. McMurray today : Fire & Brimstone

That's the way it looked at 6am at Beaver River Lodge. (PTI Camp) The new BlackBerry Curve Sucks balls for taking pictures BTW.  

I would so do John Stamos.  He just sounds like such a  down to earth guy.  He has many wholesome stories to  share with valuable life lessons.  Almost like Full House but they didn't have strippers & blow.  I just might have watched it voluntarily if they did.

 I wasn't kidding. I would so rim that ass. 

Seriously, why can't the Swedes toilet train their children like the rest of the world?  Do you really need creepy  accessories?!
 Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie,  (A whole lotta Creepy)
Now this is just creeptastic!
I don't know about you but I love checking out Etsy .  It's where people place their handcrafted items up for sale.  I bought this wicked  retro style pink & polka dot apron there.  Really I look so damn bangable when I'm cooking.   My Manfriend tells me so.  He also tells me I can clean the house in  this.   Dirty Bird.

Now this is a different sort of crafting site.  " Craftastrophe , because handmade isn't always pretty" Just WOW...oh wow.  That site it so fuct and I love it!!  I'm putting the Tom Selleck Sperm Plush Rattle on my Christmas wish list this year.  Manfriend sent me that link this morning.  Usually I'm the sender of weird and unusual links.  He makes me so proud *sniff*sniff*



  1. Did you know that there is a site I've heard of (but haven't yet checked out) that mocks Etsy called Regretsy. LOL. Check it out.

  2. Oh right! Yeah I used to have that book marked and then PC got awfully sick and had to have a new one built and lost all my stuff.



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