Saturday, April 30, 2011

Apparently People Want to See Katy Perry Naked..

Just look at these search words:

 I don't know what "nackt," is but I most likely don't want to know.  I was wondering why I was getting so many hits!  Well I'm just average and I'm fine with that but I have to thank Mrs. Katy Brand from and my Engagement Party Post for the 6222 page views. 

So to go along with the theme (read: be a blog whore for more hits) and for my Fiancee (aka Manfriend) who dreams violates in his mind about Katy:

She still doesn't hold a candle to the awesomeness that is My Joe.Manganiello.
(For those who have never watched True Blood, he's the tasty Werewolf Alcide who is a naughty wolf in my dreams.)

*Sigh*  I'm off to dream.


  1. ...sigh indeed..I have got to rend all the episodes of True Blood. I seriously feel like my life is lacking as a result...

  2. Unhhh........unh....I'm speechless.

    And randy.

  3. yeah till this day, the #1 search that leads ppl to my blog is "celebrities masturbating" which leads them to dissapointment because it was a post I made about how celebs stroke their egos.

  4. I sure as hell wouldn't turn her away if she showed up at my house.

  5. I feel like I need to add slutty words to my posts to get more hits.

  6. the beach shot of Katy is hot, but I suspect she is less intelligent than my dog. Jennifer Connelly when she was young, now THAT was a hot brunette. Look for the movie "Hot Spot" made by Dennis Hopper, get a nice look at young Jen with her boobs out, and its a pretty cool movie. That stubbly Don Johnson fella is in it too.

  7. that guy is lumpy, and bumpy... not like a real guy...

    but thank god you had pics of Katy! now i do not have to gouge my eyes out looking at half nackt mens...

    Katy pic 1 and 5 are the same pic just different orientations...

    some how i feel robbed...

    but i have been drinking so i really do not know what i feel robbed about anymore...

  8. Not bad. Not bad at all. And to the commenter above, slutty words DO help your traffic. I had someone find my site by Googling 'crotch touching' today.

  9. oh and i forgot..i gave you and award at my eviltwin site...

    do as little or as much as you want!...i pass awards, but am not the award police...

  10. Over from bruce's site. he's hawt and your blog is brilliant.

  11. Way to go girl. If ya got a hot topic might as well ride it into the ground. BTW...Who is Katy Perry? Oh well, I gotta go a and Goggle her. Where those the most provocative photos or did ya leave the juicy stuff out?

  12. Bodies like this have to unreal :-). Please God! Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Rolling Stone inches up a notch in coolness.

  14. Well, honestly, I prefer to see Justin Bieber naked.

  15. She has a way of dressing like a little girl and a stripper at the same time.



Don't be shy and comment away. All of my family knows of this blog so feel free to be as dirty as you like.