Thursday, October 7, 2010

Road Trip Photo Scavenger Hunt Part Deux - The List

The List, thus far including Facebook suggestions:

1.  Bears

2.  Cute chickie bum. 

3  Funky roadside diners

4. Wine

5.  People picking grapes

6.  Bare Ass just for Miss Melicious 

7.  UBER UBER UBER Hot guy - the dorky not too muscley type (damn she's picky) for Annah 

8. Some totally not dirty that make me think of something totally dirty for  Sara  

9.  Hicks (Pfft...that would be easier to do in Alberta not British Columbia)

10.  A Milf

11.  A child holding a knife in an aggressive manner  

12.  Pose with at metal sculpture of a cougar, bear, deer, and an eagle with a scared look on my face.  This is located outside of Osoyoos but I don't believe we will be going that far south so we'll have to see what we can think of. 

13.  A plastic deer (I  But that is so awesome)

There is the list so far....

Anything else?


  1. Hmmm...I'd say a mountain...but that's a little too obvious. How about a houseboat. It should be easy enough to find...but what about a houseboat with a plastic deer on it!

  2. Oh jebus! I don't know about that. lol
    Already got a mountain.

    PS you're mean. ;)

  3. My favourite ex-boyfriend, the first (of many) love of my life is in Kamloops, so if you wouldn't mind just veering over there and picking him up for me, I'd be ever grateful!
    Have a great time! I grew up in Chilliwack, BC, I still get a pang whenever I ever look at a map of the West. Can't wait for all the blogging updates!

  4. How about some hot ass sexy chicks? Topless of course.


Don't be shy and comment away. All of my family knows of this blog so feel free to be as dirty as you like.